FIFA Solidarity Mechanism- Identification and Operational Service


We offer a variety of services reagarding the FIFA Solidarity Mechanism

Claim Identification

We monitor all international transfers of players for potential solidarity contributions. Thus, we monitor all active, registered football professionals, who worked in the club between 12 and 23 years of age.

Operational Service

Our Operational Service puts the workload for checking, re-calculating, tracking of optional payments, contact research, claim presentation and communication to us. You just have to issue an invoice.


Full Exploitation

You take full advantage of the regulations as you identify and do not miss your potential claims.

Saving in internal costs

Our service relieves your employees. Our high quality comes from a price of a mini job.

Minimization of Error

The structured approach, spread across our organization, significantly reduces the risk of errors.


Billions sepending on transfers 2019


international transfers in 2019


Clubs in transfers 2019 involved

Partner and Media

Us in the media
The article of the Salzburger Nachrichten on 29.03.2018 reports about TransferMonitor, our customers  and the solidarity mechansim.

Read the full german article here.

Partner for Legal Enforcement

together with our legal partner Rath Rechtsanwaelte we offer complete processing until the collection of the outstanding claims